I typically run parties of 3-5 people so I stick with my favorites.
I also typically run a cannoneer alongside a time mage or two for mp shell and quickens.
Hits everyone with the typical illusionist attack BUT since I use magic frenzy I proceed to attack everyone twice with my staves. ~Hume: Dualwield illusionist mixed with seer for magic frenzy. ~Gria: Hunter with tank ability mixed with ravager or raptor (geos fun but not to fantastic) Hell Gria is an amazing race to begin with but hunter on a gria with sneak attack? Phew that's broken on a flier ~Hume: dualwielding paladin with seer for magic frenzy, doublehitting on mobs is amazing (not to mention range attacks on a tank!) ~Viera: redmage (doublecast) summoner for a support class that can pack a punch The Paladin/Hunter is a great set for endgame, as I explained above, giving ranged attacks, area attacks, and Ultima to a character with Knightswords and Heavy Armor.īut the Paladin abilities are mostly very poor, and don't work at all well as a secondary set for Hunters.Īt least on A2 my favorite combos consist of Just wanted to throw that out there.That is Paladin/Hunter, not Hunter/Paladin. I'm not an expert at FFTA, and I never exploited abilities, stats and combos very well, but I think Sonic Boom + Excalibur might be one of the easiest to achieve and highest damage dealing moves in the game (plus, it can level multiple targets at once). My Paladin Marche + Excalibur 2 + Sonic Boom was an absolute monster, and I rarely found myself using anything else, especially given Sonic Boom's area damage + range, and Excalibur 2's insane power. This is probably just my own personal preference speaking, as well as my memories (it's been a while), but I found it a very good combo, myself, but only postgame, though. Humes don't really have a lot of abilities that pair well with range, so if you had to choose a combo, go with Hunter/Archer. The Paladin only has one ability useful on this set, and that is Holy Blade, which is easily outclassed by Sidewinder and Ultima.