Mount and blade economy
Mount and blade economy

They all come with time limits in days till you need to finish. They are mostly for earning reputation and trying to advise one’s own rank or “allegiance” with another. It is more of side benefits than anything else making a couple of denars from them.

mount and blade economy mount and blade economy

Thankfully there are quite a number of them in the game and I do just hit them.

mount and blade economy

True sight seems to not be working or maybe it broke and unless I run into the darn things head on I just don’t see them. I have been farming a few Forest Bandit camps since they are in the kingdom I am from. Sometimes as well taking out a lair happens to be a quest so things can just alien like that. It does help in the long run and as long as I’m not spending more on the payroll to do these things it’s not a big deal to take advantage of things when they come up. While the profit is not that great if I can get 500 or 1k denars for my time in between things I say why not go for it. Along with that, I have been raiding quite a few bandits and other lairs that I just come across while exploring or on my way to one region or another. You can make a couple thousand denars every so often but it really is just a starting point. I have discussed the other day about my trips up north to farm the Sea Raiders. So my more short-term goals are just having a business which I have managed to acquire. Running a kingdom can be rewarding but wars get expensive.

mount and blade economy

Landownership and a bunch of villages, castles, and cities under my control are the long-term goals. Some of these tasks never earn much while the big earners are more time sensitive or require something to happen to be able to do them in the first place. For a number of days now I have been doing a few different things in the game to earn the in-game currency denars with the goal of buying a different business in the game and making them my short to the midterm economic backbone to pay troop payroll, food, and buy equipment upgrades.

Mount and blade economy